Friday, November 2, 2012

Friday's Letters..


Dear Husband, I'm sorry you didn't get your day off today. But thank you for working so hard. Also, I'm excited about our date to Chow Baby tonight with our friends.
Dear Saturday, I'm excited to finally get to dress up for Halloween. I am even more excited for Bama to kick LSU's butt on their own turf. We all know they have a hard time crossing over the 50.
Dear Sunday, I'm excited that this is the day my little sister turns 21. We are celebrating in style by going on a local wine tour. (Expect a blog post!)
Dear November, you're one of my favorite months of the year. I love getting to see all my family and friends. And well, I love the food!
Dear Monday, please don't come too quickly.
Dear Fellow Americans, please go vote. I won't tell you who to vote for, and I won't go into my political views, but its is our duty to vote. So go do it!
Dear Daylight Savings Time, thank you. 

Y'all have a good weekend! 

1 comment:

Courtney Cakes said...

So glad daylight savings time is here!!! That means nothing to us from Arizona but other then Football starts at 11am not 10am!!! WOO HOO!!!